Beginner's Guide to Using the Time-Tracked Task Manager Template

This guide is designed to help you get started with your Time Tracked Task Manager template in Notion. It covers how to use the features of the template, track time effectively, and connect the template with other databases to enhance functionality.

1. Setting Up Your Tasks

  1. Add a New Task:
  2. Mark a Task as Completed:
  3. Track Your Progress:

2. Tracking Time

  1. Log Time for a Task:
  2. Worked Time:

3. Organizing Your Tasks and Sessions

  1. Filtered Views:
  2. Sort by Deadline:
  3. Archiving Tasks:

4. Connecting the Template with Other Databases

Integrating this template with other databases can streamline your workflow and make task management more efficient. Here’s how you can connect this template to other databases:

1. Project Management Database